Tuesday 22 June 2010

Starting of my Form 6 life...

I just started my form 6 yesterday...
I thought it will be fun
but obviously
I'm wrong...><

Form 6 life is rrreeeaallly boring!!
I still couldn't find the fun part of it....
Wearing back the school uniform and
go to school early in the morning
is just like what I did the past 5 years....
But why??
It just dont feel the same....
Is it because I still havent get used to the new environment??
Is it because of the new subjects??
Is it because everyone that used to be around mii is not there anymore??
I dont know....
I just know that ,
at this very moment I dont like form 6...

Yeah yeah yeah...
Form 6 life have more freedom than my pass 5 years...
We can bring phone to school...
No one really gonna catch you if your fringe is over your eyebrows...
The school bag is not as heavy as last time...
Teacher's not really gonna scold you...
And bla bla bla.....
But so what???!!
I have no interest at any of the subjects!!!

What am I gonna do??
Quit form 6 after the test n join September intake of college??
Keep on suffer and wait till one and a half year to pass??
I'm confuse AGAIN...

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