Tuesday 27 July 2010


I really do thinks that
ignoring something can actually make us merrier...

When we care too much about others feeling
We will be the one who suffer...
When we care too much for someone
We will lost ourselves....

We just need to "do it"
but not "think before you do"...
Over-thinking might make us regret....

I just wanna hide in some corner
which no one can see mii....

I just like to watch people...
Their behavior
the way they talk
the way they laugh
the way they SMILE....
Through a smile
you can know a lot of stuff
about that people...

I just need to express my feelings...
Sorry for causing too much trouble...
I didn't mean to hurt anyone...

We talked before we even mean it...
The words came out and can't be reverse...
We hurt people indirectly
but we don't know...
It's lucky to have someone to point it out for you...
But not everyone would be this lucky...

This is just a random post...
It can be ignored...

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